The Dressage Foundation

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The Dressage Foundation (TDF) welcomes Spotlight Horse Shows as a new Corporate Sustaining Partner. As a Sustaining Partner, Spotlight Horse Shows will help strengthen U.S. dressage by providing monthly support of TDF’s grants and programs. TDF awards grants to dressage riders, judges, instructors, breeders, high performance teams, nonprofit equestrian organizations, and more.

For more information, please visit

“We are grateful for the support of Spotlight Horse Shows, which will further the educational opportunities for those in our sport,” said Jenny Johnson, TDF’s Executive Director. “We’re honored that they’ve chosen to support our work in this special way.”

Gail Matheus, owner of Spotlight Horse Shows, said, “I have always been so very impressed with the work that The Dressage Foundation does. They make a tangible difference in the lives of their grant recipients. It is a top-notch organization and one that we want to support.”

See the full press release here.


Driven Dressage Now Added to Spotlight Horse Shows


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